Friday, May 3, 2013

Hello Third Trimester

Entering the third trimester has really brought a wave of excitement and sense of reality that things are getting close. We have increased our number of doctor appointments to the point where I am in some kind of office every week (if not multiple offices).

At our last ultrasound we got some new information. We found out that the baby has a dilated kidney. It really looks quite large compared to the other one. They told us that when the baby is born they will do a couple of tests to see why the kidney is dilated and determine from there how they will need to proceed. The problem can either be fixed with antibiotics or might require surgery.

All along the baby has measured about a week behind. As of the last ultrasound, he is now measuring about 2 weeks off. The good thing is that we have already ruled out chromosomal abnormalities with the amnio we did a few months ago. The issue could be tied to one of his complications or it could just mean that he will be on the small side. The big thing we need to do at this point is monitor to make sure he is still growing.  It’s ok if he grows a little slower, but if he stops completely that is a problem.  They won’t check his measurements for another 2 weeks, so we have to keep praying that he grows.

They continue to measure his cystic hygroma. They don’t even mention it anymore which is a good sign. I usually forget to ask about it because I get so side tracked with everything else, but I make a point while they are doing the ultrasound to look at the measurement. It is still continuing to decrease in size which is awesome. I am hoping that it completely goes away by the time he is born so we can cross that off our to-do list.

They have started monitoring his lungs (maybe they have all along, but we have talked about it at his last 2 appointments). During the ultrasound they watch his diaphragm to make sure it inflates once in a 30 minute period. This shows that the lungs are functioning and practicing for life on the outside. At this last ultrasound they were having trouble getting the shot they needed. They had me rotate a couple of different ways and they had this sound zapper that didn’t phase him at all. We had about 4 minutes to go and I was getting really nervous. Finally in that last moment, they saw the diaphragm inflate. Talk about a sigh of relief. Seems like he is a bit of a procrastinator like his Daddy. I don’t know what that would have meant for us at this point, but glad that was one less thing to worry about right now.

The doctor has told me to monitor his movements and make sure I feel him at least 10 times in 2 hours. This normally is not an issue for him. We know all along how much he likes to move and dance around in there, but there is just a little added stress to know I have to keep such a close eye and count. Normally I can sit down and count 10 kicks in a matter of 15 minutes. I will continue with these ultrasounds every week until he is born to monitor his growth and make sure organs are functioning properly.

I also had my first appointment with my new OB at Texas Children’s. Trey and I both really liked him. He gave us a lot of good information and made us feel really comfortable. He said that he usually likes to induce his patients at 39 weeks, so that things can be as organized and planned as possible which I am completely ok with. My OB appointments at this point are going to be every two weeks. On a side note, my new OB reminds me of Steve Carell. When I look at him that’s all I seem to focus on; my baby is going to be delivered by the 40 year-old virgin. It kinda makes for a less stressful appointment in my head.

I go back for my echo of the heart on Monday. I don’t know for sure how often we will be going for those, but I only have a month left of school and then I won’t be as concerned about appointments because I won’t have to worry about scheduling them around work. My schedule of appointments sounds a bit stressful, but at the same time they make me a little excited. I like that I get to check on him every week now and it makes me excited to know that all these appointments means he is that much closer to being here. With the excitement come the nerves. I am excited that he is so close to being here, but very nervous because at the same time, once he is here it is go time. That’s when everything starts happening and decisions about care really start being made and surgeries and treatments begin.

We continue to pray for his protection and healing. God has brought us so far with our little one and we know that he will continue to guide us through this process. Please continue to keep Baby Bish in your prayers. They have done so much for us thus far and continue to provide us a tremendous amount of comfort.
Baby Bish at 28 weeks

1 comment:

  1. WOW.... You're right.. He is so close to being here... The best part is hearing the excitement and change in your whole outlook...which is another testimony at How Great Our God is! I'm so excited for the day he gets here... to show The World What miracles come from Our Savior! You know you have a WHOLE SLEW of prayer warriors over here!!!

    Praying for your nerves, his movements, his lungs, his growth, his organs and your 40 year old VIRGIN OB!!! Love you two!!!
    Jen Horton
