Monday, August 19, 2013

A Little R&R-Week 6

For four weeks now the plan has been to keep Brody on a breathing machine with some sedation and allow him to just rest and put on weight. Every week though it seemed like there was all this other stuff going on that would prevent him from actually getting the opportunity to store up some calories. Finally, this last week our plan was able to be put into play. Brody has had a very restful week without a lot of excitement. The nurse one day apologized that they weren't doing much and were rather maintaining then moving forward. I told her I was not sorry. There had been a bunch going on every week with him and I was glad he was just able to relax. He has had a really good week and has seemed very comfortable and relaxed.

I mentioned at the end of last week that Brody was having some tummy issues. Last weekend his tummy got huge and bulged out. On his X-ray you could see a large pocket of gas sitting in his belly. They put a tube in his belly that is attached to a suction to help relieve some of the pressure. It went down at the early part of last week and they started him on some pedialite for a few days to see how his tummy tolerated things. On the second day, his tummy started acting up again and so they have stopped that. He hasn't pooped in days. Pooping would help, but at the same time, he isn't on feeds that would make him poop. There seems to be a lot of things that end up working against each other.  Today, he will be going for a special test to see what is going on. It could possibly mean he may have to have another surgery to fix whatever might be going on. I'm really hoping that isn't the case.

His weight has been another area of concern. They don't tend to weigh babies with the breathing tube very often because they don't want to risk the breathing tube falling out or any extra harm. They did weigh him at the early part of last week and he was 5.4lbs, so definitely moving in the right direction there. Hopefully that trend continues.

Prayers for another uneventful week!

No picture this week. I don't like to post pictures when he has the breathing tube in and a lot of other stuff going on. It can be a lot to take in and I don't want people to have that image be what they are focused on. He really is doing a lot better than what his appearance would show. Fingers crossed for a picture next week!

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