Monday, September 9, 2013

Still Here- Week 9

Still moving forward. We had a rather un-eventful week. We are still hanging out in CVICU. The team last week wanted to monitor him for a few days which then turned into the entire week. One evening when Trey and I were here, Brody started breathing funny. He was breathing shallow and making this squeaking noise. We called the doctor over and they decided to give him a breathing treatment to break up the gunk in his throat. That seemed to do the trick and he was fine after that. We followed up on a couple of issues Brody had going on. The first being the blood clot in his shoulder. They repeated the ultrasound and it is still there. He has been getting shots twice a day for six weeks, and this just means he will continue those shots for 6 more weeks. I spoke with the doctor and they aren't too concerned with the fact that it is still there. They said the body has to get rid of it on its own and the fact that he was so sick for so long, the body just wasn't able to take care of that. His other issue was his vocal chord. They did an exam of that after the breathing episode and it is still paralyzed. Again, they aren't too concerned with it at this point and feel that it will heal on its own with time. They said it could take 3-4 months and that the Ear, Nose and Throat people will likely want to follow up with him on an out patient basis (I love those words).The issue with the vocal chord could be some of the reason he has been having issues with gagging so much, though that is even getting better. 

Our mountain to climb now is our feeding. Over the week we have been working on increasing feeds and now we are at about an ounce and a half every three hours. He has been having issues with spitting up, but again, not overly concerned with it at this point. The occupational therapist comes and works with him once a day on bottle feeding and some days are better than others. When he is in the mood to take a bottle he has worked himself up to taking about half of it by bottle before he wears himself out. I never realized how much energy it took for a baby to eat. I guess that is why they usually pass out afterwards. 

Brody is starting to show signs of his temper in the form of holding his breath. There have been 4 different occasions now where he has been throwing a fit and while I am trying to calm him down I notice his heart rate and breathing drops. When he does this he clenches his fists out and becomes stiff and won't break his stare. I blow in his face and talk to him until finally he snaps out of it. He hasn't held his breath to the point of passing out yet, but he does it long enough to turn purple and scare the crap out of me. He is definitely going to  need to stop that like NOW. It breaks me out into a cold sweat and takes me just as long to recover. 

The word on the unit is that Brody should be moving to 15 this week (though I have been hearing that for about 2 weeks now). They brought a new baby in and had to put him in Brody's spot for all the hookups, so Brody is camped out in the middle of 2 babies in a room only made for 2 babies. Space is very tight and makes an already difficult situation that much more uncomfortable. 

Brody is definitely getting acquainted with being held. I wouldn't say he is to the point of being spoiled yet because I do just let him be and don't want to disturb him too much. Plus I know when I am not here there isn't going to be anyone to just sit and hold him, so I don't want to start that habit. But, we have had lots of snuggle time and he sleeps so good when he is being held. When he is in the crib he won't sleep consistently for a length of time. He is much more restless and machines keep him in and out of sleep. When I hold him, he is out to the point where nothing wakes him up. Truly the best feeling. Brody is now 2 months old and weighs a whopping 6lbs 8oz! I call him my two month old preemie. Still in preemie diapers. Haven't got to put clothes on him yet, but hopefully he will lose his IV line this week, so we can start playing dress up. 

Snuggle time with Mommy

Tried out a bouncer this week. He didn't quite know what to think. I always think he is looking bigger until I put him next to something like this. 

Sleeps so peaceful in my arms. I could stay like this forever. 

Watching Ohio State with Daddy

This kid has been waiting so long to see Brody awake and get to hold him. 

See what I mean! Out like a light! 

Awake one second...
and out the next

Still have a bit of growing to do before he can wear his Clay Matthews jersey with Daddy. (Jersey is 3-6 months, hoping we will fit into it at some point this football season). 

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